Sorry for not updating about the little bits of my life recently - I finally do have the time to do so.
So some of you are wondering.....
I still teach piano, I still do.
Gotta do my job right 😗
I'm blogging and doing a lot on social media recently and spending more time trying to be more serious about my "music career" right now.
"Music career" because I've been singing a lot more now and spending much more time on BIGO... and even hosting my own game show every Wednesday 9pm!
This game show that I'm hosting on BIGO LIVE is called
[[ 继续唱 - To be continued..]]
It happens every Wednesday at 9pm sharp whereby on my stream I will call random people who can sing preferably mandopop songs and to basically just have a mini PK challenge with me to see who can continue the lyrics of the song further to be the winner by the end of the call.
Rules are simple :
1) Participant can be female or male and will have one chance every Wednesday - you can try again next week if you didn't make it into the Quarter Finals happening from 2nd November 2016 to 7th December 2016.
2) 2 participants will be selected every week to get into the semi-finals; there will be 12 semi-finalist to PK to get into the top 4 for the finals.
3) The host (myself) and participant will each have 5 points for a start. When either party sings the lyrics wrongly, a point will be deducted and the first that is down to 0 points loses the game.
4) Participant need to play this game alone and anyone caught playing foul will be disqualified without further notice from the game. (Like googling for lyrics/asking people around them for help)
5) Players should decide the song theme together with the host as long as both are comfortable with the category to ensure a fair game.
6) No vulgarities and irrelevant songs are allowed during the game.
7) Game is only open to anyone 16 and above residing in Singapore.
The winner will walk away with 2 free movie passes to any shows in Singapore and the title of the Champion of
<< 继续唱 - To be continued..>> S1! 🎤
P/s : We already have two semi-finalists! Head on to my Facebook page to find out who! 😎
One first step into kickstarting my music career again is singing at Unplugged Dempsey sometimes.
Super thankful to Sylvester for this opportunity😊
I will be there tonight (5/11/2016 830pm-1130pm) so see you if I see you! 😍
Some updates of my boy and WITH my boy haha..
Legit getting fatter and fatter day by day 😝
My rich babe ❤️
Anyway these photos are taken about 1 week after I did SKINBOOSTERS treatment by Restylane at IDS Clinic...
Skin boosters have :
1) Lifting effect
2) Slight whitening effect
3) Brightening effect
4) Hydration effect
Literally the korean skin goals kind of effect please!!
Allow me to share more about this in two weeks' time right here on this space!
(And I'm really sorry for the delay of my TW blog entries, they will be done by this coming week!😋)
Event/meal dates with my babes ❤️
Supper with Joyce ❤️
Coffee and photoshoot with Nattttt❤️❤️❤️
HAHAHA She took these photos of me
And also attended a Halloween Cooking Class!
Can you guess what character I was?!
We made the pasta from SCRATCH!
Presenting to you.....
Hahaha poor Shaun!
Really had so much fun!
Thank you CulinaryOn Singapore for the kind invite!🙆
Thanks for playing such an important role in my life and stay pretty ALWAYS! 😍
Shoutout to ROMWE FASHION for the lovely apparels
Hoodie cropped top
Olive long sleeves top
Thanks to Faythlabel for this adorable pastel Florida Lace Top.
Still available on site and in 3 colours!
Have been taking weight management supplements from Nu.Reflections recently especially since I'm back from Taiwan (from the land of all fatty/yummy foods hehehe) and finally I spot some abs hehehe
For more info please visit :
And also also also...
I hadddddd to share bit more about this : Laneige's Milky Way series
Super pretty packaging you totally don't even need anymore wrapping paper...
I'm serious!😍
It is available at : http://www.lazada.sg/laneige/?boost=3
爱 我 的 资 格 - S.H.E
把 手 放 了 我 也 许 会 比 较 快 乐
我 也 许 会 换 个 情 人 我 也 许 不 会 再 撑
真 的 够 了 能 不 能 让 雨 别 再 下 了
能 不 能 让 心 别 再 疼 了 能 不 能 不 要 开 灯
我 们 的 爱 跟 着 你 写 的 剧 本 出 现 了 越 来 越 多 的 角 色
我 是 你 什 麽 人 如 果 不 是 情 人
是 不 是 不 要 再 浪 费 我 的 人 生
你 比 我 更 清 楚
你 对 我 多 好 多 温 柔 多 认 真 不 构 成 爱 我 的 资 格
除 非 你 只 看 着 我 想 着 我 只 有 我 爱 本 来 就 该 独 一 无 二
为 你 伤 心 多 一 点 少 一 点 流 下 的 眼 泪 都 一 样 不 值 得
世 界 上 那 麽 多 人 只 有 我 一 个 人
能 拯 救 自 己 的 快 乐 不 要 再 为 你 哭 了
It's been long since I've posted a lyric video.
I think maybe because I have already come to terms that there are certain things that cannot be fixed and not meant to be fixed.
I will be happier.
I will update this space again but till then, just remember that I am still trying to be the Aggy you all know, and still trying to smile and be strong as always.
I am a ninja 🙇🙇🙇
Thanks for reading, thanks for always being here silently for me.💋
With love,
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